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Support: Knife Bride

Fr, 01.03.24
Cassiopeia, Berlin

Dieser Termin liegt in der Vergangenheit.

Two years after their acclaimed second album, "Fall Better," Vukovi returns with their most distilled musical vision yet in the form of "NULA." The concept album, crafted by the now two-piece duo of Janine and guitarist Hamish Reilly, explores themes of trauma, violence, lust, and revenge through the story of Nula, a captured extraterrestrial. Collaborating with scientist and writer Lisa Gourley, Janine ensures the science behind NULA makes sense, adding depth to the narrative.

The record, featuring punchy pop, nu-metal, shoegaze, and electronic elements, serves as an escape for listeners. Tracks like 'SLO' and 'I Exist' delve into Janine's struggles with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and mental illness, expressing both pain and the quest for joy. Amid personal exploration, NULA also addresses broader themes of societal issues, reflecting on the world's state in 2022.

In the powerful 'Shadow' and 'Hades,' Janine confronts and fights back against her OCD and personal struggles while aiming to inspire others to overcome their challenges. The album closes with 'XX,' where Janine asserts her demands for the future of the female species, leaving the otherworldly nature of NULA unquestionable.

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