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Arch Enemy & In Flames

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Neue Location
Rising From The North Tour
Support: Soilwork

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Arch Enemy
Launched in 1995 by guitarist/songwriter Michael Amott (ex-Carcass) and vocalist Johan Liiva, 1996 debut album ‘Black Earth’ bolstered the flagging death metal genre and showed that it still had mainstream potential. 1998’s scathing ‘Stigmata’ and 1999’s more refined ‘Burning Bridges’ followed, and in 2000 Liiva stepped down, with Angela Gossow taking his place. 2001 marked her recording debut, ‘Wages Of Sin’, which was the sound of a band revitalized, and they broke wider with 2003’s ‘Anthems Of Rebellion’, largely thanks to single ‘We Will Rise’. 2005’s ‘Doomsday Machine’ was easily their most successful effort of their career up to that time, without sacrificing their integrity, following this up with the thrashier ‘Rise Of The Tyrant’ (2007) and Gossow’s swan song, 2011’s ‘Khaos Legions’. With Gossow now the band’s manager, White-Gluz made her recording debut with 2014’s ‘War Eternal’, which sounded fresh and hungry, and they followed this up with 2017’s towering ‘Will To Power’, which alongside the blazing melo-death attack features the band’s first clean-sung power- ballad, ‘Reason To Believe’, adding a new dimension to their sound. Now they move forward with ‘Deceivers’, continually proving they are masters of their craft.

In Flames
In Flames represent the best of metal’s past, present, and future. New Wave Of Swedish Death Metal architects and innovative purveyors of groove, hard rock, and melody, the band’s artistry, influence, and stature loom as large as the vibrant style’s horizons. The widely recognized titans boast an impressive and diverse catalog celebrated internationally. In Flames are as vital (and even more energized) today than when they unleashed classics like Come Clarity and Claymanin decades past.

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